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DESIGN FOR AMERICA: Sexual Assault Prevention Website


Redesign UCSD's current sexual assault centre's (called CARE@SARC) website to spread awareness on preventive measures and improve accessibility to the facilities relating to it, in a way that is sensitive to its target group.

UC San Diego's Care at Sexual Assault Re


Collaboratively developed 10 webpage designs (Homepage, Support Service, About Us, Meet our Staff, Find Resources, Get Help, Emotional Support and Programs) that focused on spotlighting the safety of sexual assault victims, providing them with resources to help them heal and increase accessibility to resources & toolkits to protect the student population against such threats., 

How I helped

  • Conducted primary user testing by interviewing interest groups and analyzed results.

  • Communicated with legal teams (Title IX team), consulted the sexual assault resource center employees, and therapists to ensure that the copywriting & design was sensitive, accurate, and maximized accessibility.

  • Created the design and wrote the copywriting for the Find Resources, Get Help, and Emotional Support pages.

  • Assisted in the summarization of the project, research, and designs to create a report for the UCSD Care@SARC (Sexual Assault Resource Center) office so that they could implement the work.


The CARE@SARC employees expressed that they found the work impressive and are currently in talks with a coder to implement our design work.

picture of website planning
Find Resources webpage redesign
Final Report image
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